PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

django-kafka 0.5.14 Confluent's Kafka Python Client combined with Django 2025-01-27 14:25:53
huaweicloudsdkkafka 3.1.133 Kafka 2025-01-23 08:12:00
error-dispatcher-client 1.0.7 A Python package for tracking and handling errors with support for multiple providers like Kafka and Email. 2025-01-21 19:12:29
quixstreams 3.6.1 Python library for building stream processing applications with Apache Kafka 2025-01-17 14:28:46
atoti-client-kafka 0.9.3 Code to interact with Kafka streams 2025-01-13 23:06:59
nodestream 0.13.6 A Fast, Declarative ETL for Graph Databases. 2025-01-10 13:12:39
faststream 0.5.34 FastStream: the simplest way to work with a messaging queues 2025-01-08 14:20:53
kstreams 0.26.4 Build simple kafka streams applications 2025-01-06 13:43:45
funboost 47.9 pip install funboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,funboost的功能是全面性重量级,用户能想得到的功能99%全都有;funboost的使用方式是轻量级,只有@boost一行代码需要写。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,支持如 celery dramatiq等框架整体作为funboost中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,用户能想到的控制功能全都有。一统编程思维,兼容50% python业务场景,适用范围广。只需要一行代码即可分布式执行python一切函数,99%用过funboost的pythoner 感受是 简易 方便 强劲 强大,相见恨晚 2024-12-26 06:59:28
pulumi-kafka 3.8.2 A Pulumi package for creating and managing Kafka. 2024-12-09 10:24:15
nodestream-plugin-semantic 0.13.0 A plugin for embedding semantic data into a nodestream project 2024-11-19 14:13:51
nodestream-plugin-meta 0.13.0 A plugin to nodestream for building a graph of the schema of the graph. 2024-11-19 14:12:28
django-kafka-streamer 1.4.1 Stream data to Apache Kafka. 2024-11-02 19:42:04
twm-faust 1.14.5 Python Stream processing. 2024-10-29 02:20:35
m-kafka-sdk-v2 1.0.6 Mobio Kafka SDK 2024-10-25 10:55:17
the-trial 2.0.0 A Python microframework for easy communication with Kafka. 2024-10-17 11:08:20
django-action-triggers 0.5.1 A Django library for asynchronously triggering actions in response to database changes. It supports integration with webhooks, message brokers (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ), and can trigger other processes, including AWS Lambda functions. 2024-10-10 00:50:21
hspylib-kafman 0.9.151 HsPyLib - Apache Kafka Manager 2024-10-03 18:39:14
kafka-python-ng 2.2.3 Pure Python client for Apache Kafka 2024-10-02 16:56:58
fastboost 1.1.5 pip install fastboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,fastboost的功能是全面性重量级,用户能想得到的功能99%全都有;fastboost的使用方式是轻量级,只有@boost一行代码需要写。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,支持如 celery dramatiq等框架整体作为fastboost中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,用户能想到的控制功能全都有。一统编程思维,兼容50% python业务场景,适用范围广。只需要一行代码即可分布式执行python一切函数,99%用过fastboost的pythoner 感受是 简易 方便 强劲 强大,相见恨晚 2024-09-09 03:30:28
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